Your gift card program deserves absolute focus, and that’s what SVS is all about.

SVS is formed as an emerging market opportunity within NPC
SVS is carved out as a subsidiary of National City Corporation, separate and apart from NPC. SVS signs first stored value card client
SVS launches first retailer stored value card program
Comdata acquires 100% of SVS
SVS launches currency conversion with first international client
SVS launches internationally with Netherlands-based subsidiary. SVS launches first gift card mall in conjunction with a third party. Begins franchisee funds movement for restaurant clients
SVS acquires Datamark Technologies to gain access to a larger retail customer footprint
SVS acquires Gift Card Solutions, bringing on significant restaurant segment customers. SVS is acquired by the Ceridian Corporation, an information services company, which also included Comdata and Dayforce. Ceridian is acquired by Thomas H. Lee
Ceridian organizes SVS and Comdata as separate business units
SVS adds multilingual support functionality to platform. SVS delivers dynamic promotion functionality to the market.
Strategic partnership with major distributor redefines the way SVS interacts with third-party channel providers
SVS develops mobile API to integrate SVS platform into customer mobile applications. SVS opens a data center in China to meet local regulation requirements. SVS introduces global eCommerce solution to market. Comdata and SVS separate from Ceridian as a standalone legal entity
Comdata/SVS is acquired by FLEETCOR. SVS develops fraud mitigation controls for expanded adoption of digital channels, adds product/SKU processing capabilities to Dynamic Promotions, integrates eCommerce capabilities into SVS digital services API offering
SVS launches branded mobile app with Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, combining gift card and loyalty with its mobile wallet services capabilities. SVS builds automated conversion technology to manage multiple large industry conversions
SVS successfully completes the largest gift card conversion in history, converting more than 1.4 billion records. SVS launches full suite of digital services to include eCard hosting and pass management services, allowing gift cards to be securely delivered and added to Apple Wallet and other retail and payment applications
SVS/FLEETCOR acquires Buyatab. SVS signs and launches 23 new clients on SVS Mobile Wallet Services, accelerating revenue delivered from Digital Services and providing continued mechanism for growth. Begins utilizing machine learning and AI to help prevent fraudulent attacks on gift cards