Innovating to stay ahead of shifting consumer behavior and competitive market trends by conducting ongoing market research and maintaining and sharing best practices.
We’re developing new CAPTCHA alternatives to better detect and deter BOTs while making human interaction more seamless.
We’re detecting anomalies in transaction data to help deter fraud in real time, using machine learning, AI, and high-level mathematical analysis.
We’re elevating the kinds of communication and engagement you can have with your customers, based on their cardholder behavior and balance.
We’re analyzing alternative substrates and their environmental impacts to replace PVC so our customers can meet their sustainability goals.
We’re employing print technologies that enable broader flexibility in card design, multiple versions, smaller runs, better quality control, and faster turn times.
We’re designing and producing card packaging that protects the gift card number at the point of sale, to reduces skimming and enhance security.
Our latest innovation in CIMS features proactive analytics and forecasting technologies to keep our customers’ stores replenished with the right cards and quantities always.